7 Tips On How to Have Shower Sex: Exploring Intimacy in Different Places

7 Tips On How to Have Shower Sex: Exploring Intimacy in Different Places

Preparing a situation in your mind about how to have shower sex but not sure how to do it? Here’s how!

Yeahhh, having sex in the bed is fun and all but have you ever got bored of it? Like you just want to try different scenes and places because it just got a little bit boring? Yeah, then this article is for you. Now you might think that all those shower sex from the movies are so sexy, hot, and intimate but I hate to break it to you it’s not as picture-perfect as it ought to be. Getting sexy and hot with that shower steam and feeling that hot trickle of hot water down your and your partner’s body is sexy and all but it needs to be done in the right way so that it does not end up as a disaster. So here it is, a how to have shower sex article to guide you and your partner to have the best shower sex you possibly can.

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How to Have Shower Sex?

How to Have Shower Sex: Use the water pressure to your advantage

This is the first thing I’m going to tell you about how to have shower sex. Since you are doing shower sex, use water pressure to your advantage. You know water pressure is often used for pleasuring the clit or pussy right? You can make sure your partner has a better sensation in that shower sex by using this water pressure to your advantage. Not only for pleasuring the women, but make sure the water pressure doesn’t come off as too strong otherwise you will hurt one another’s skin by being too hard on each other. This will end up hurting your skin and you’ll want to get away from the water when the whole point of a shower sex is to be in the shower. You can run the water over erogenous zones such as the nipple, wrists, or clitoris (this is the most common one).

An adjustable shower head comes in handy because you’ll be able to move closer to the zones that you want to pleasure AND you can aim the water away from your face. It’s best if you keep the water on the lower parts of your body when doing shower sex.

How to Have Shower Sex: Don’t forget foreplay

Foreplay is still important! It is wrong to think that now that you’re spicing up your sex life it is okay to not do foreplay. This is a recipe for disaster in the How to Have Shower sex handbook! Think of shower sex as the main event and to start the main event you will need to have an appetizer. Foreplay is this appetizer that you need to compliment the main event. Enjoy the shower sex, don’t try to just insert it and get it over with.

How to Have Shower Sex: Get soapy

Use those soaps lingering around your bathroom and use them to your advantage! You could use this as part of a foreplay in shower sex! Soap is an excellent massage lubricant. Now you can imagine getting all steamy and hot right? AND, you’ll get clean in the process too! Killing two birds with one stone, don’t you think?

You can get each other cleaned with water and soap from the front to the back. While doing this, make sure to stay present in the moment and enjoy each step.

How to Have Shower Sex: Go with standing positions

When it comes to how to have shower sex, the right sex positions matter a lot! It can make or break the unforgettable experience of how to have shower sex. Generally speaking, standing positions for how to have shower sex is the way to go! Standing positions allow the both of you not to slip and fall! The reason why standing positions are the best way to go when it comes to shower sex is that some people might not like to get down and dirty on the floor because who knows if the bathroom is clean and hygienic to get down and dirty on the bathroom floor.

How to Have Shower Sex: Invest in non-slip mats

A great way to have shower sex is to invest in non-slip mats, this way you don’t need to worry about one of you falling and slipping onto the cold hard ground. And possibly getting yourself hurt or embarrassed. With having shower sex, there’s always going to be a risk of slipping or falling so we suggest you be careful when performing this. The charming thing about investing in non-slip mats is that you’ll won’t have any injuries!

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How to Have Shower Sex: Water is not lube

Water and lube have the same consistency but water is water. It is no lube. These 2 things were not created as equal, if they were then why do people not just use water instead of buying lube? So once you’ve finished soaping each other’s bodies, make sure to get the lube. Due to the constant stream of water from the showerhead, this may wash away the vagina’s natural lubrication. And yes, girls, you aren’t just thinking it, it is true!

How to Have Shower Sex: Set the temperature right

Obviously, when I say set the temperature right, I mean do not do cold shower sex. That is just an utter disgrace. Even though cold shower sex is not on the agenda, you might also want to make sure when you are doing shower sex that the temperature is just right for both of you, not too cold and not too hot. Women tend to have showers in higher temperatures than guys, so you girls might need to pay close attention to the temperature. Because something as simple as water temperature makes a whole difference.

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So I hope this guide on how to have shower sex has been useful for all of you out there. And just a note that it might now go as thrilling and adventurous as you think it ought to be but that’s okay because those amazing shower sex are all on the movies! Not saying that you can’t have a good shower sex. Make sure to stay safe and careful while doing all these water aerobics! And you can always turn to shower sex when all else in the bedroom gets boring. Also, if you are looking for a fellow shower sex partner, you can check some potential users from the DOWN App!

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