If you’re wondering why do guys act weird after hooking up, you might want to read this post and find out. We’re here to answer your questions.

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We’ve all been in that place after a particularly good hookup, the guy completely brushes you off. The hookup was great — hell, the dinner and movie before the hookup was even good. He treated you well, made you feel good, but now that the sex was done, you wonder why he’s suddenly treating you like a stranger.
Let’s be honest here, I think we all have a little idea on why do guys act weird after hooking up. You and I know the answer to this, but let’s talk about it anyway, alright?
Why do guys act weird after hooking up?
He only wanted a one night stand
This one is harsh, but it might just be true. Now I’m not saying it’s the case for everyone, but guys do tend to be nice to girls and treat them well, only to leave them once they’ve had their fill.
But the good news is this is an easy fix! All you need to do is to make sure of what both of you are looking for before agreeing to meet up. That way there’s no confusion or misunderstanding.
And I know that it’s difficult to ask a guy ‘what are you looking for’ because none of us want to seem nosey, and we’re scared that maybe what they’re looking for is different from ours. So I have a solution for you. DOWN App helps you figure out what the other person is looking for. So if you’re in the mood for a hookup, the app tells you which guys are also just looking for hookups. Same goes for dates.
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He’s unsure of how to feel
If you think excuse number 1 is completely and absolutely impossible (and make sure you’re not in denial), then this might also be why. The reason why do guys act weird after hooking up can be because he’s trying to process how he feels.
Maybe the dinner you had before left a bigger impact on him than he’d thought, and the sex was just too incredible that he’s thinking on whether he’d like to see you again or not.
Some guys who have bad experience in relationships or even dates usually think three or four times before jumping the gun into a relationship again, so don’t blame them for trying to protect themselves.
You’re acting like a girlfriend.
You might not realize it, but after a hookup, you might start wondering what he’s doing that day, what problems he’s having, how he grew up, and what traumas he has. The thing is, if he was a stranger, then he would feel weirded out if you just went ahead and showed him the all the ‘false feelings’ you have for him.
Why do I say false feelings? Because it’s generally impossible to get feelings after one hookup and/or a date, you normally need to get to know him better before jumping the gun. I say they’re false feelings because sometimes you don’t like the person, you just like the fact that he was there at that time and you’d like to feel that feeling again.
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Nevertheless, it sucks to be feeling this way, and I hope you found the solution and can move on from this soon. Don’t think too much about it, though I know it’s easier said than done. If you’re not feeling any better, try distracting yourself by doing what you love, or going out with some friends.