Have you tried to impress someone by using pick up lines in Spanish? Well we have an entire list for you!

It can be daunting to be with a man who speaks Spanish – have you even been seduced in Spanish before? I swear it’s so hot. There’s no way you could resist. But! Sometimes I do wish that I could seduce them back. My Spanish isn’t great, but I can learn to say a few pick up lines in Spanish.
And even though pronunciation is as important as grammar, remember that as long as the effort is there, your man will appreciate when you say pick up lines in Spanish.
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Pick Up Lines In Spanish
- Quisiera ser joyero para poder apreciar un diamante como tú todos los días.
(I’d like to be a jeweler so I can appreciate a diamond-like you every day.) - Los ángeles están celosos porque ahora sueño contigo.
The angels are jealous because now I dream of you. - Si no tuviera tarea, podría llevarte a cenar.
If I didn‘t have homework, I could take you out to dinner. - Te has perdido?. Porque el cielo está bien lejos de aquí.
Are you lost, because heaven is a long way from here. - Dónde has estado toda mi vida?
Where have you been all my life?

“It’s not pineapple or blackberry, it’s your little face that makes me fall in love”
- Creo que tengo un problema con mis ojos, no puedo dejar de verte.
I think there’s something wrong with my eyes, I can’t stop looking at you. - Te quiero más que a mis ojos, más que a mis ojos te quiero. Pero quiero más a mis ojos porque mis ojos te vieron.
I love you more than my eyes, more than my eyes I love you. But I love my eyes more because my eyes saw you. - Si la belleza fuera un crimen, yo te hubiera sentenciado a cadena perpetua.
If beauty were a crime, I would have sentenced you to life in prison. - No camines bajo el sol, con este calor los bombones se derriten.
Do not walk in the sun, chocolate melts in this heat. - Perdí mi número, ¿me das el tuyo?
I lost my number, can I have yours?

“my name is too long, if you want better call me my love”
- Te llamas google? Porque tienes todo lo que busco.
Is your name google? Because you have everything I’m looking for. - Pasas tanto tiempo en mi mente que debería cobrarte la renta.
You spend so much time in my mind that I should charge you for rent. - Tus ojos son cafés, tus pestañas son negras. No pierdas la esperanza de que tu madre sea mi suegra.
Your eyes are brown, your eyelashes are black. Don’t lose hope that your mother becomes my mother-in-law. - Te voy a denunciar a la policía por robarme el corazón.
I will report you to the police for stealing my heart. - Si besarte fuera pecado, caminaría feliz por el infierno.
If kissing you were a sin, I’d happily walk through hell.
Pick Up Lines In Spanish
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- Si tus ojos fueran el cielo y tu boca el mar, me gustaría ser el horizonte para poderte besar.
If your eyes were the sky and your mouth were the sea, I’d like to be the horizon to be able to kiss you. - Ojalá fueras bombero para apagar el fuego de mi deseo.
If only you were a firefighter to be able to put out the fire of my desire. - Me gustaría ser lente de contacto para que no pudieras sacarme tu mirada.
I’d like to be a contact lens so you couldn’t take your eyes off me. - Puedo comprarte una bebida?
Can I buy you a drink? - Crees en amor a primera vista, o debo pasarte otra vez?
Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by you again?

“I want to eat delicious things, like you, for example.”
- Estás perdido? Porque el cielo es un largo camino desde aquí.
Are you lost? Because heaven’s a long way from here. - Hola, soy un ladrón, y estoy aquí para robar tu corazón.
Hello, I’m a thief, and I’m here to steal your heart. - Eres tan guapa que tu foto debería estar en el diccionario al lado de la palabra belleza.
You are so beautiful that your photo should be in the dictionary beside the word beauty - Qué hace una estrella volando tan bajito?
What is a shooting star doing flying so low? - Si Cristóbal Colón te viera, diría: ¡Santa María, qué Pinta tiene esta Niño!
If Christopher Columbus saw you, he’d say: Saint Mary, that girl looks incredible!

- Si yo fuera azafata, te llevaría en mi avión, pero como no lo soy, te llevo en mi corazón.
If I were a flight attendant, I’d carry you in my airplane, but since I’m not, I’ll carry you in my heart. - Quiero aprender español para ti.
I want to learn Spanish for you. - Ojalá la mitad de las estrellas brillaran tanto como tus ojos.
If only half of the stars in the sky shined as brightly as your eyes. - Hola, soy el Señorita Correcto. Alguien dijo que me estabas buscando.
Hi, I’m Ms. Right. Someone said you were looking for me. - ¿Cómo se siente ser el hombre más guapo de esta sala?
How does it feel to be the most handsome man in this room?

“I should charge you rent for living in my thoughts”
- Hola, acabo de darme cuenta de que te pareces mucho a mi próximo novio.
Hi, I just realized you look a lot like my next boyfriend. - Hace calor aqui, o eres tù?
Is it hot in here or is it just you? - Si te dijera que tienes un cuerpo precioso, ¿me darías una bofetada?
If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hit me?) (“Would you hold it against me” just doesn’t come out right in Spanish) - Ésta es una canción excelente. ¿Quieres bailar conmigo?
This is a great song. Would you like to dance? - Si fuera Superman te llevaría volando, pero como no lo soy te acompaño caminando.
If I was superman I would take you flying, but since I’m not I’ll walk you home.
- Tu Papá Debe Ser Pirata, Porque Tú Eres Un Tesoro
Your dad must be a pirate, because you’re a treasure. - Quién Fuera Bizco Para Verte Dos Veces!
I wish I was cross-eyed so I could see you twice! - Apudne Te Vel Me?
Your place or mine? - Permiso, ¿puede decirme por dónde va a su corazón?
Excuse me, can you tell me which way to your heart? - Si la belleza fuera pecado tu no tendrías perdon de Dios
If beauty was a sin, you would not have God‘s forgiveness
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