AI Generated Pickup Lines: They Can Flirt Too!

You’ve heard of ChatGPT, right? Turns out they can come up with pickup lines as well.

AI Generated Pickup Lines: They Can Flirt Too!
AI Generated Pickup Lines: They Can Flirt Too!

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In this day and age, who hasn’t heard of AI?

Yes, the term AI is very loose, but one in particular has been skyrocketing — ChatGPT by OpenAI. If you’re like me, then you remember the days where you ask Siri some stupid questions and they’d answer back with something silly, not like it’s any different now, but ChatGPT is truly something else.

They don’t just answer your questions, they really answer your question with utmost detail and information. You think you have a secret? I’m pretty sure ChatGPT knows it.

I was curious with one thing, though I’m pretty sure others had the same interest; How advanced is this AI?

Since we do a lot pickup lines on this blog, I wanted to test out if they understood pickup lines. I asked the AI several questions and asked them to write me a few pickup lines, some themed.

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When asked “what is a pickup line” the AI’s answer was very robotic, but that was obvious. I guess I thought it’d copy some answers from wikipedia, but it definitely didn’t. A few questions after that, I realized that its response was always a mix of good and bad sides. At the very last sentence, it always says “pickup lines may not be suitable or well-received by everyone. It’s always best to be respectful and considerate towards others”.

What I’m saying is, it has a pattern. The way it answers questions or requests, it’s as if it’s not allowed to form its own opinions (so maybe no skynet yet).

Digging deeper, here’s some of the pickup lines ChatGPT came up with:

  • Are you a UFO? Because you just abducted my heart.
  • Can I follow you home? My parents always told me to follow my dreams.
  • Excuse me, but I think you’re drop-dead gorgeous. Can I have your corpse?
  • I must be a snowflake, because I’ve fallen for you.
  • Is your name Ariel? Because you’re a mermaid, my Disney Princess.
  • Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears.
  • Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes.
  • Is your name Google? Because you have everything I’ve been searching for.
  • Excuse me, but I think you dropped something – my jaw.

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  • Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?

One thing to note, is that OpenAI has a policy against explicit content, so there will be no dirty pickup lines generated by this AI.

The AI can actually give you tips and advices on how to flirt on dating apps, or just in real life, but all the advice you ask for would usually still point to this answer: “It’s important to be yourself and to not try to be someone you’re not, as this can come across as insincere. Flirting should be a fun and enjoyable experience for both people involved, so always make sure that both parties are comfortable and happy with the interaction.”

All in good fun. If you do want some explicit pickup lines, check them out on this article. Dirty pickup lines are usually seen in a bad light, but it can actually set a really good mood. Just remember to treat others with respect and dignity, and to be mindful of their comfort levels and boundaries 😉

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