What’s the one word you’d use to describe your best/worst/most unforgettable/craziest/funniest dating story?
The DOWN Team is excited to announce that we’ve launched our own podcast series! 🚀

Hosted by Michael Waitze, Colin Hodge & Annie Chen, ‘Date If You Dare’ will welcome a new guest every week to share tips when dating, experiences about sex on the first date, hookup dating sites, threesome sex…and more crazy stories.
You might get inspired by some of the dating advices on how to get laid… or how to not get laid. Who knows?
Date If You Dare already has more than 39k listens, with subscribers growing every day!

The first episode features Colin, who talks about his experience of online dating.
Online dating seems very simple. Swipe, get a match, chat, then schedule a date with your dating app matches. What could go wrong?
Colin was meeting someone he’d met on one of the famous hookup sites. He was just looking for casual sex, and then…
Did he get the hookup sex he was hoping for? Listen to this episode and find out!
Date If You Dare Ep. 3 – Women Dating Advice: How To Run From Your First Date
About DOWN Dating App
DOWN is the most honest dating app – and the #1 hookup app to meet locals nearby. People get to choose whether they want a casual relationship or a more serious one. DOWN’s goal is to make the world a more open-minded, sex-positive place where singles can express themselves freely and find what they really want.