Women’s History Month 2022

It’s Women’s History Month! Let’s celebrate and honor women’s contributions.

Women’s History Month 2022

Women’s History Month started in Santa Rosa, California. It was a local celebration that lasted for a week in 1978 to correspond with International Women’s day, 8th of March. The local celebration then spread across the United States as other communities started their own Women’s History Week that year.

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Associations of women’s groups and historians then advocated for national recognition in 1980 and succeeded. By February that year, President Jimmy Carter issued the first Presidential Proclamation; that the week of March 8th was to be known as National Women’s History Week.

This continued for another few years until Congress requested the President to set March of every year starting from that year to be stated as Women’s History Month. In 1995, it was authorized that the month of March was to be recognized as Women’s History Month.

Women’s History Month 2022

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2022 Theme

It’s a tradition that Women’s History Month has a theme. In 2021, the theme was Valiant Women of the Vote: Refusing to Be Silenced. This year in 2022, the theme is Providing Healing, Promoting Hope. The theme is a tribute to caregivers and frontline workers during COVID-19, and a recognition of the ways that women have provided both healing and hope throughout history in all cultures.

Providing Healing? Promoting Hope? What does that mean?

Healing and Hope are the fuel towards reaching for dreams and recovery. Women have been known to be healers since ancient times. Women give those who heal a sense of wholeness and an end from suffering. Hope is a gift that shines light on the unlimited possibilities of the current and future generations.

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