5 Best Sex Positions To Make Her Orgasm

Want to impress your girl tonight? Read this article and find out ways you can bring her pleasure with the best sex positions she’s yet to experience.

5 Best Sex Positions To Pleasure Her
5 Best Sex Positions To Pleasure Her

Reaching orgasm can be difficult for women. Women generally need stimulation also in the clitoral area instead of relying solely on penetration, and not many sexual positions allow them or their partner to reach the clit.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to always have your clit stimulated when having sex, some people can reach the big O without having their clit touched at all – hell, some people find it overstimulating. But if you are one of the women who find it hard to reach orgasm, here’s something you can do on your own first.

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Reach orgasm on your own. A.K.A masturbate. Masturbation is easy once you’ve done it often enough, but some people do still struggle to do it. Once you’ve reached orgasm on your own, it’ll be much easier for you to have an orgasm through sexual intercourse.

Not that Google maps can help, but the ever elusive clitoris is the gold mine, it’s the cumulation (see what we did there) of where all the rainbows end, it’s where the cluster of explosions and fireworks take place, it’s where the magic happens. Medically speaking, it’s where the bundle of nerves that stimulate the female body gather for the main event, so don’t forget to show it some extra lovin’ cause the return on time invested is definitely well worth it; trust me, we’re the experts on this matter.

In a nut(shell), the clitoris is better than whatever Jack traded his heirloom family cows for, it’s THE magical bean and you would be amiss if you didn’t include it in your to-do list. Without further ado, here is a tried and true list of the best sex positions where you can stimulate the fuck (while fucking) outta your clit.

Best sex positions for clitoral stimulation


As in The Coital Adjusted Technique. If you look it up, it’s actually similar to the missionary position, just higher up. But that’s the entire point. In CAT, the man (or whoever has the penetrative device – for simplicity’s sake, we will address them as the man and woman) positions themselves like they would in missionary, but a few inches higher. Usually his legs would be on the outer side, but it can also be done vice versa.

This position may not allow the penis to fully penetrate, but instead it will graze the clitoris, increasing pleasure. But many couples find that this position restricts thrusting movements, so they kind of just grind back and forth together.

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The Cowgirl

Pretty simple, pretty down to earth. But if you’re not familiar with it, basically this position is where the girl rides the guy. The man is lying on his back, and the woman will lower herself until he’s fully inside. This allows for deeper penetration that the CAT doesn’t provide and will still provide clitoral stimulation.

Because the woman is quite literally sitting on the man, and her clit will be stimulated against the man’s skin (or pubic hair). But beware, if it’s only been a day or two since you shaved down there it might be too prickly and painful.

The Pinner

It might be unfamiliar to you(the name), but I think the description wouldn’t be too strange. In this position, the woman lies flat on her stomach on the bed while the man penetrates from behind. It’s not doggystyle, because the woman’s legs are also lying flat on the bed. Her legs could be spread, could be aligned straight, it depends on what feels better.

Because the woman is lying flat on her stomach, the sensation is different than regular missionary (even different from doggystyle), and it makes it easier for her to reach down to her own clitoris. Many women find this position to be more pleasurable for them due to the pressure applied to their lower torso and their own accessibility to their clitoris.

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The Good Ol’ Cushion

I’m sure you’ve heard of this one. There has been multiple articles, maybe even studies, saying that putting a cushion under the woman’s back when having sex and doing the missionary makes it easier for women to reach orgasm. Is it truth or lies? It’s the truth! If you go back to #1 (The CAT), then this is exactly what that is – just without the man being a few inches higher on the bed.

Instead of the man lifting himself and pushing his weight on her, she gets to put a cushion under her lower spine. This elevates her torso to him and he can easily deeply penetrate while also hitting her G-spot. Her feet are usually planted on the bed, but it can also be raised. The cushion (which is usually a pillow) is bouncy, so there’s some more versatility during the action.

The Splitting Bamboo

With the woman lying on her back, the man positions himself between her legs and lifts one leg up. If he lifts her left leg, then she has to slightly lie on her right side a little more. Her leg can be bent sideways, or curled up to her chest, or just straight up in the air. This position allows for even deeper penetration and clitoral stimulation.

It might be difficult for the man to thrust because her leg can naturally come down, but the rocking motion stimulates her clitoris and vulva. Plus, it’s also a different position so the sensations would be very different as well.

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80% of women (or whoever owns a vagina) needs clitoral stimulation to achieve the big O, whether it’s before, during, or after sexual intercourse. And while toys are a great medium to get to the orgasmic state, there are also ways you can connect with your partner through this.

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